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CNC machining process of automotive shock absorbers
Release time: 29-07-2024

The CNC machining process of automotive shock absorbers is a precision manufacturing process involving multiple steps. The following is a detailed process description based on the content of the reference article:

1. * * Design stage shock absorber:

-Determine the model and specifications of shock absorbers based on factors such as the vehicle's purpose, load, and road conditions.

-Refine the design based on the design parameters to determine the material, process, size, and appearance requirements of the shock absorber.

2. * * Material preparation for shock absorbers:

-Choose steel or aluminum alloy as the raw material for the shock absorber body and components.

-According to the design requirements, use sawing machines and other equipment to cut the material into the required size and shape.

3. * * Mold making shock absorber:

-After determining the design scheme of the shock absorber, high-precision molds need to be made.

-The accuracy and durability of mold production directly affect the quality of shock absorbers.

4. * * Forged shock absorber:

-Use a press to forge the shock absorber body and components to obtain the required strength and toughness.

-Apply high pressure to the material to deform it into the desired shape.

5. CNC machined shock absorbers:

-Use CNC machine tools to process forged parts.

-The machining process may include two stages: rough machining and precision machining, using equipment such as CNC milling machines, CNC 4-axis (5-axis) milling machines, or CNC lathes.

-Perform precision cutting and other necessary machining operations according to the design drawings.

6. * * Remove burrs and inspect shock absorbers:

-Remove burrs generated during the processing.

-Use professional testing equipment to inspect the precision holes, position, size, and appearance parameters of the shock absorber.

7. Welding shock absorbers:

-Select appropriate welding methods and materials for welding according to the design requirements of the shock absorber.

-Ensure that the welding quality meets the standard requirements to ensure the quality and performance of the shock absorber.

8. * * Leak detection shock absorber:

-Use professional testing equipment to perform leak detection on shock absorbers.

-Ensure that there is no leakage inside the shock absorber to ensure its stability and durability.

9. * * Surface treatment shock absorber:

-Surface treatment, such as spraying, shall be carried out according to the requirements of the design drawings.

-The spraying process requires attention to color and thickness requirements to protect the interior of the shock absorber from external environmental influences.

10. * * Final inspection and quality control of shock absorbers:

-Perform final inspection and quality control on the processed shock absorbers.

-Ensure that all parameters meet the design requirements and quality standards.

The entire CNC machining process requires strict control over each link to ensure that the quality and performance of the shock absorber meet the standard requirements. 

At the same time, various professional equipment and tools are required during the processing to ensure machining accuracy and efficiency.

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