Home/News/Company News/Automobile shock absorber parts Introduction to CNC machining details
Automobile shock absorber parts Introduction to CNC machining details
Release time: 19-07-2024

The CNC machining details of automotive shock absorbers are introduced as follows:

Raw material preparation:

Select appropriate materials for the manufacturing of automotive shock absorbers based on customer design drawings requirements.

Material cutting:

Use a sawing machine to accurately cut the material, ensuring that a preliminary shape that meets the design requirements is obtained.

Fixture customization and assembly:

Customize suitable fixtures based on the specific shape and size of the shock absorber to stably fix the workpiece during the machining process.

CNC rough machining:

Perform preliminary machining using a CNC milling machine, including removing excess material to form basic contours and shapes.

CNC precision machining:

Use CNC 4-axis (or 5-axis) milling machines or CNC lathes to perform high-precision machining on key parts of shock absorbers, such as hole positions, slot positions, threads, etc.

Remove burrs and inspect:

After processing, remove burrs from the surface of the workpiece to ensure a smooth and defect free surface.

Thoroughly inspect the relevant precision holes, positions, sizes, and appearances to ensure compliance with design requirements.

Surface treatment:

According to the design drawings, necessary surface treatments such as spraying, electroplating, etc. should be carried out on the shock absorber to improve its corrosion resistance and durability.


After surface treatment, recheck the precision holes, positions, sizes, and appearance of the shock absorber to ensure product quality.

Quality control process:

In the production process, establish a strict quality control process, record the number specifications, assembly personnel, and assembly time of each part, so that when problems arise, the production process can be traced back and the cause can be identified.

Finished product inspection:

Conduct an overall inspection of the completed automotive shock absorbers, including dimensional measurement, performance testing, etc., to ensure that the product meets customer requirements and relevant standards.

The above are the main details of CNC machining for automotive shock absorbers. Throughout the entire manufacturing process, it is necessary to strictly follow the design drawings and process requirements to ensure that each step is accurate and error free, in order to produce high-quality automotive shock absorbers. At the same time, operators need to have rich experience and professional skills to ensure the stability of the processing process and the reliability of product quality.

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