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Automotive hardware stamping processing
Hardware stamping processing is a production technology that utilizes the power of conventional or specialized stamping equipment to directly deform the sh
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We focus on advanced hardware stamping programs to produce various metal hardware components. Metal hardware can include anything from paint trays to metal brackets to tools. Whether you need simple or complex hardware components, our team of technicians and engineering experts can ensure that you receive the required components accurately according to your schedule and budget.

When you choose to collaborate with us on the next metal hardware stamping project, you can expect to enjoy the following advantages:

1、Equipped with over 50 different punching machines, capable of handling up to 1300 tons of production capacity, achieving large-scale production capacity

2、Stamping parts of various sizes and complexities

3、Capable of handling various metal stamping materials, including stainless steel, carbon steel, and aluminum

4、Design and manufacture internal molds and tools to accelerate the production process

5、The thickness ranges from 0.005 inches to 0.5 inches, and the maximum part width can reach 48 inches

6、The tolerance is within 0.005 inches, and stricter tolerances can be provided according to requirements

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Automotive hardware stamping processing
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