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Comfort adjustment of automotive shock absorbers
Release time: 12-08-2024

The comfort adjustment of automotive shock absorbers is a relatively complex process, as the design and performance of shock absorbers directly affect the driving stability and riding comfort of the vehicle. Here are some methods to adjust the comfort of car shock absorbers:

1、 Inspection and maintenance

Check the shock absorber fluid:

Ensure that there is sufficient oil in the shock absorber, located between the lowest and highest markings on the shock absorber. If the oil is insufficient, it is necessary to add an appropriate amount of shock absorber oil.

Check the sealing ring of the shock absorber:

Check if the sealing ring on the shock absorber is worn or damaged. If there is a problem, it is necessary to replace the sealing ring in a timely manner to prevent oil leakage.

Check the shock absorber connectors:

Ensure that the connection between the shock absorber and the vehicle suspension system is securely fastened. Unstable connectors will affect the shock absorption effect and need to be re tightened.

Check the shock absorber spring:

Check if the shock absorber spring is worn or damaged. The state of the spring directly affects the damping effect, and if necessary, a new spring needs to be replaced.

2、 Adjust the preload of the shock absorber

Adjust the shock absorber preload according to the recommendations in the vehicle manual. Pre load adjustment can be achieved by changing the spring tension inside the shock absorber, which in turn affects the vehicle's driving stability and comfort.

3、 Replace or adjust the shock absorber

Replace the adjustable shock absorber:

If the original shock absorber is not adjustable, it can be considered to replace it with an adjustable shock absorber. This type of shock absorber allows users to adjust the softness and hardness of the shock absorber as needed, thereby improving ride comfort.

Adjust the shock absorber settings:

For some high-end or modified models, shock absorbers may have adjustable functions. By adjusting the settings on the shock absorber (such as damping coefficient, preload, etc.), the shock absorption effect can be optimized and the ride comfort can be improved.

4、 Other methods

Reduce tire pressure:

Reducing tire pressure within a certain range can improve ride comfort. However, please note that low tire pressure can pose a safety hazard to the tires and vehicle occupants, so caution should be exercised during operation.

Use seat cushion:

The direct feeling of shock absorption for vehicle passengers is bumpy and uncomfortable. Car owners can use car seat cushions to achieve certain improvement goals. Although this method cannot fundamentally solve the problem, it can alleviate discomfort to some extent.

5、 Precautions

Before making any adjustments or replacements, please refer to the vehicle manual or consult a professional for advice.

When adjusting the shock absorber, ensure correct and safe operation to avoid unnecessary damage to the vehicle.

If you are not familiar with adjusting shock absorbers or unsure how to operate them, it is recommended to seek the help of a professional technician.

In summary, the comfort adjustment of automotive shock absorbers needs to consider multiple factors comprehensively and take corresponding measures to achieve it. By inspecting and maintaining, adjusting the preload of shock absorbers, replacing or adjusting shock absorbers, and using other auxiliary methods, the ride comfort of cars can be improved to a certain extent.

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